• DAY3SVR: Nws Storm Predic

    From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Fri Aug 2 07:49:00 2024
    ACUS03 KWNS 020724
    SPC AC 020723

    Day 3 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0223 AM CDT Fri Aug 02 2024

    Valid 041200Z - 051200Z


    The risk for severe thunderstorms currently appears negligible
    across much of the U.S. for Sunday through Sunday night.

    It appears that mid-level flow across the northern mid-latitudes
    will remain amplified through this period, with a prominent
    mid-level high continuing to evolve over the Canadian Yukon
    Territory vicinity Sunday through Sunday night. Downstream,
    seasonably strong cyclonic flow likely will be maintained across the
    upper Great Lakes vicinity through the St. Lawrence Valley, to the
    south of a prominent cyclone slowly shifting eastward across
    northern Quebec.

    In lower latitudes, a prominent high is forecast to remain centered
    across the Four Corners vicinity, with ridging building along an
    axis to its east, across the southern Rockies into the central Great
    Plains. Within modest westerly flow on the northern periphery of
    this ridging, low-amplitude troughing may progress across and
    east-southeast of the northern Rockies into the Dakotas. However,
    it appears that associated forcing for ascent will generally lag to
    the cool side of a notable preceding surface cold front, which may
    advance south and west of the Black Hills and through much of the
    northern Great Plains and Upper Midwest by 12Z Sunday.

    Beneath a plume of warm elevated mixed-layer air, models indicate
    that large potential boundary-layer instability may develop in a
    pre-frontal corridor with daytime heating, probably across parts of
    Nebraska and Iowa through southern Wisconsin/northern Illinois into
    southern Lower Michigan by late Sunday afternoon. If forcing for
    ascent becomes sufficient to support thunderstorm development within
    this environment, forecast thermodynamic profiles appear conducive
    to a risk for severe hail and wind in stronger storms. However, it
    currently appears that any such activity may remain very isolated in
    nature, with uncertainty in location and low coverage precluding
    introduction of 5 percent severe probabilities.

    Uncertainties also remain large concerning the tropical perturbation
    emerging from the Caribbean, and its evolution near/west of the
    Florida Gulf coast Sunday through Sunday night. At this point, the
    risk for severe weather still appears low, but this could quickly
    and substantively change, and trends will need to be monitored.

    ..Kerr.. 08/02/2024

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Thu Oct 17 08:57:00 2024
    ACUS03 KWNS 170717
    SPC AC 170717

    Day 3 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0217 AM CDT Thu Oct 17 2024

    Valid 191200Z - 201200Z


    Strong thunderstorms are possible across eastern New Mexico and
    perhaps portions of adjacent western Texas Saturday into Saturday
    night, accompanied by at least some risk for severe weather.

    Inland of the North American Pacific coast, strong zonal flow will
    prevail across much of Canada through this period. More amplified,
    but generally much weaker, flow will prevail across the southern
    mid- to subtropical latitudes. The latter regime is likely to
    include a notable lingering mid-level low near the Four Corners.
    Only a very slow eastward/northeast movement of this low is forecast
    Saturday through Saturday night, mostly in response to perturbations
    pivoting around its periphery.

    Downstream of the low, models indicate that ridging will build
    across the southeastern Great Plains and lower through middle
    Mississippi Valley. In lower levels, cool surface ridging is
    forecast to remain prominent from the lower Great Lakes/upper Ohio
    Valley vicinity into the northern Gulf of Mexico and northwestern
    Gulf Coast.

    Although surface troughing to the lee of the southern Rockies is
    likely to continue to weaken, south/southeasterly low-level flow
    will persist across the high plains into the higher terrain and
    contribute to further moistening of Gulf origins, beneath broadly
    cyclonic and diffluent mid/upper flow.

    ...Eastern New Mexico and adjacent western Texas...
    With the mid-level cold core remaining generally confined to the
    Colorado Plateau, lapse rates across and east of the Sangre de
    Cristo and Sacramento Mountains, through much of eastern New Mexico,
    may remain relatively weak on Saturday. This, coupled with further
    weakening of the lee surface troughing, does not appear particularly
    conducive to severe storm development. However, with some
    additional boundary-layer moistening beneath at least modestly cool
    mid-levels, CAPE may exceed 500 J/kg (and perhaps approach 1000
    J/kg) by late Saturday afternoon, in the presence of continuing
    favorable shear profiles for supercells. One short wave
    perturbation pivoting around the southeastern periphery of the
    mid-level low may enhance convective development near or shortly
    after peak destabilization. However, there remains sizable spread
    within the model output concerning this feature.

    ..Kerr.. 10/17/2024

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Fri Oct 18 08:41:00 2024
    ACUS03 KWNS 180723
    SPC AC 180723

    Day 3 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0223 AM CDT Fri Oct 18 2024

    Valid 201200Z - 211200Z


    A stronger storm or two is possible in parts of the southern High
    Plains, though severe weather potential continues to appear low.

    The Four Corners upper low will be in the process of becoming an
    open wave Sunday morning. The trough will eventually accelerate
    eastward by Monday morning, but is not expected to eject into the
    southern High Plains until mid/late evening Sunday. Continued
    surface troughing into the southern High Plains will keep very
    modest moisture influx into the region around the Ohio Valley
    anticyclone. The Pacific front in New Mexico/Colorado will slowly
    move eastward along with the upper trough.

    ...Northeast New Mexico into Texas/Oklahoma Panhandles Vicinity...
    A narrow band of moisture will persist within the region on account
    of the southeasterly surface winds. Cloud cover and some potential
    for early-day precipitation is expected to keep temperatures rather
    cool. The strongest forcing for ascent is not likely to arrive until
    mid/late evening into the overnight. Temperatures aloft will be cold
    enough to promote 500-750 J/kg MLCAPE, and deep-layer shear could
    support some modest storm organization. Given the late timing of the
    mid-level height falls and the cold front, potential for severe
    weather appears low. Isolated strong gusts and small to marginally
    severe hail are possible in the strongest storms.

    ..Wendt.. 10/18/2024

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)