• DAY1 Enhanced Risk US MW

    From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Tue Jul 30 09:37:00 2024
    ACUS01 KWNS 301306
    SPC AC 301304

    Day 1 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0804 AM CDT Tue Jul 30 2024

    Valid 301300Z - 311200Z



    Severe storms are expected today into tonight across a broad area
    from eastern Nebraska and Iowa into parts of the Midwest, Tennessee
    Valley and southern Appalachians, with swaths of damaging winds
    possible within this corridor. Severe storms are also possible
    across parts of the northern Plains.

    ...Central Plains/Upper Midwest to OH/TN Valleys...
    Very challenging meteorological scenario with highly variable
    guidance as far as MCS development/disposition today. However, a
    rather favorable set of ingredients will generally coincide,
    spanning east/northeast Nebraska into Iowa, northern Missouri and
    western Illinois, and to some extent even farther southeastward into
    the Tennessee Valley. Very strong buoyancy will exist within this MCS/outflow-reinforced corridor, with a strong elevated mixed layer
    -- yet not overly warm aloft for the season -- atop a moist boundary
    layer. Seasonally strong west-northwesterly winds aloft will also
    reside in this general corridor, with potential for multiple east/southeastward-moving MCSs today and tonight. Swath of damaging
    wind gusts (potentially in excess of 75 mph) are plausible.

    With a remnant thunderstorm cluster across Illinois, some
    re-intensification of this convection may occur across the lower
    Ohio Valley toward the Tennessee Valley, with a modestly strong
    northwesterly flow regime and ample downstream instability. Isolated
    to scattered damaging wind should be the primary threat.

    Meanwhile, multiple thunderstorm clusters across Siouxland this
    morning from southeast South Dakota into northwest/western Iowa may
    continue to pose a severe risk, with some potential that these
    storms could merge/organize later today along the instability
    gradient. There is also potential that additional storm development
    may occur by late afternoon/early evening across northern
    Nebraska/far southern South Dakota near a surface low/troughs, with
    these storms potentially increasing and evolving into an MCS
    tonight, aided by a nocturnally strengthening low-level jet.

    ...Northern Plains...
    Weak height falls amid moderate to strong instability may lead to
    widely scattered thunderstorm development along a surface
    trough/dryline across the Dakotas this afternoon. Moderate
    westerlies should support moderate deep-layer vertical shear around
    30-35 kt, sufficient for a few organized storms capable of both
    large hail and damaging gusts.

    ...Northern New York to northern New England...
    Moderate buoyancy may develop this afternoon from northern New York
    into northern New England. While storm coverage remains somewhat
    uncertain, deep-layer shear and relatively cool temperatures aloft
    could support a couple modestly organized storms capable of locally
    damaging wind, and possibly some hail.

    ...Mid-Atlantic vicinity...
    A mid/upper-level trough and possibly an MCV will move across the
    Mid Atlantic vicinity later today. Scattered thunderstorm
    development is expected by afternoon from northern Virginia into
    parts of Pennsylvania. While there is some uncertainty regarding the
    extent of heating and destabilization, a couple stronger
    cells/clusters may become capable of producing isolated damaging

    ..Guyer/Grams.. 07/30/2024

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  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Wed Jul 31 08:57:00 2024
    ACUS01 KWNS 311301
    SPC AC 311259

    Day 1 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0759 AM CDT Wed Jul 31 2024

    Valid 311300Z - 011200Z


    Another active severe-weather day is expected from the
    northern/central Plains and Upper Midwest to the southern
    Appalachians. This includes potential for large hail across parts of
    the northern/central Plains, aside from a more prevalent risk of
    damaging winds, some of which could be significantly strong.

    ...Great Plains/Mid-Missouri and Mid-Mississippi Valleys...
    A relatively prominent summertime mid-level trough is readily
    apparent across the northern High Plains early this morning, and
    will reach the Upper Midwest tonight. Ahead of this trough,
    scattered occasionally strong/locally severe convection has occurred
    overnight across northern South Dakota into southern/eastern North
    Dakota. This convection should further increase into midday/early
    afternoon, with a more appreciable severe risk evolving across north-central/eastern South Dakota, and eventually into southwest
    Minnesota by mid/late afternoon. Some initial supercells capable of
    very large hail will be possible, but storm mergers within a very
    unstable environment by mid/late afternoon should lead to MCS
    development and heightened wind potential.

    Additional potentially intense storm development is expected
    southwestward near the cold front into Nebraska and Kansas, with
    large hail and severe-wind gusts expected. One or more organized
    clusters should regionally evolve by early/mid-evening across the
    Siouxland and far eastern Nebraska into much of Iowa. Potentially
    significant wind gusts in excess of 75 mph are plausible given the
    steep lapse rate environment and reservoir of strong to extreme
    buoyancy. Severe-MCS persistence seems viable tonight across much of Iowa/southern Minnesota, possibly northern Missouri, and Illinois.

    ...Central Plains/southern High Plains...
    Isolated to scattered thunderstorms are expected to develop along
    and ahead of the front. Deep-layer shear will be strong enough for
    an isolated severe threat. Large to very large hail will be possible
    with supercells in parts of central Kansas. However, the environment
    will be less favorable further southwest with more of an
    isolated/marginal overall severe threat expected across southwest
    Kansas into northwest Oklahoma and the Texas Panhandle.

    ...Lower Ohio Valley/Cumberland Plateau/Southern Appalachians...
    Similar to yesterday, a seasonally strong belt of northwesterly flow
    aloft will persist today from the lower Ohio Valley to the southern Appalachians and coastal Southeast. Much of this will reside atop a
    moist and very unstable air mass, especially across parts of the
    lower Ohio Valley to Cumberland Plateau, where upwards of 3000-4000
    J/kg MLCAPE may develop by peak heating outside of any MCS-related
    impacts. This general scenario will likely support several organized severe-producing storms clusters/MCSs through the evening across
    these regions. Somewhat higher severe probabilities (Enhanced
    category) may be warranted in subsequent outlooks for parts of these

    For one, an MCS ongoing across central Illinois this morning may
    potentially persist southeastward within this increasingly unstable environment, possibly impacting areas such as southern Indiana,
    southern Ohio and parts of Kentucky/Tennessee with a heightened wind
    damage potential. Aided by differential heating, scattered storms
    should also increase across the southern Appalachians vicinity this
    afternoon, with some organization into clusters possible given the aforementioned relative strength of winds aloft, with wind damage

    ...Southern Arizona...
    An upper low near Baja and ongoing early day storms across parts of
    northwest Mexico may influence thunderstorm development this
    afternoon within a moist air mass particularly across southeast
    Arizona. Some of the storms could produce severe-caliber wind gusts
    and blowing dust this afternoon into early evening.

    ..Guyer/Grams.. 07/31/2024

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  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to All on Mon Aug 26 09:37:00 2024
    ACUS01 KWNS 261300
    SPC AC 261258

    Day 1 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0758 AM CDT Mon Aug 26 2024

    Valid 261300Z - 271200Z



    Severe thunderstorm gusts, large to very large hail and a few
    tornadoes are possible today and tonight across parts of South
    Dakota, extreme northern Nebraska, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.

    In mid/upper levels, a persistent and large anticyclone has shifted
    its center across the southern Plains to the lower Missouri Valley,
    with ridging northeastward across the Lake Superior and James Bay
    regions. The ridge will shift eastward across the Upper Great Lakes
    and southern QC through the period. This will occur in response to
    these developments on either side:

    1. A broad but not very intense cyclone -- initially centered near
    the western ME/QC border -- will pivot roughly eastward to the
    adjoining parts and the Canadian Maritimes through the period. As
    this occurs, a shortwave trough/vorticity lobe -- now in the western
    semicircle of the cyclone over the St. Lawrence Valley -- should dig
    southward across eastern NY and extreme western New England today,
    then weaken and move offshore from the southern New England Coast

    2. A strong shortwave trough -- initially over western MT,
    southeastern ID and northern UT -- should move to eastern MT and
    central WY by 00Z, then to the western Dakotas within 12 more hours.
    This will foster the northeastward ejection of two weak
    perturbations, now apparent in moisture-channel imagery over the
    western NE Panhandle/southeastern WY region into southwestern SD,
    the other over central/eastern CO. By 00Z, these features should
    reach eastern ND and eastern/southern SD, respectively.

    At the surface, 11Z analysis showed a low near FSD, with cold front
    arching southwestward across the NE Sandhills then northwestward to
    another low over east-central WY near CPR. A quasistationary
    frontal zone was drawn from the low northeastward over western/
    northern MN. The low should move slowly eastward today while the
    poleward frontal extension moves little, and the cold front moves
    southeastward into northwestern IA and eastern/central NE. The
    western segment of that front should hang up over northwestern NE
    and east-central WY amid mass response to the approaching shortwave
    trough, which also should induce a surface trough and perhaps secondary/reinforcing baroclinic zone across the lee of the
    north-central Rockies over eastern WY and into southeastern MT.

    ...North-central Plains to Upper Midwest...
    Two main rounds of severe-thunderstorm potential are apparent today,
    each crossing portions of the main risk area, which represents an
    aggregated severe potential from both complexes. From east to west:

    1. Strong-severe thunderstorms should develop over eastern SD near
    or north/northwest of the surface low this afternoon -- perhaps
    arising as early and far west as central SD during midday. This
    activity will be related to maximized low-level lift associated with
    the low, and a plume of large-scale ascent preceding the weaker
    shortwave troughs, and already supporting convection at this time
    over western SD. Whether the ongoing convection will be continuous
    with later activity is uncertain. In either event, this eastern
    complex should intensify substantially over the southeastern
    SD/southwestern MN/northwestern IA vicinity as it crosses the
    low-level baroclinic zone and encounters a strongly unstable, richly
    moist boundary layer, with upper 60s to mid 70s surface dewpoints.
    Beneath steep lower-middle-level lapse rates, this should contribute
    to a corridor of 3500-5000 J/kg MLCAPE near I-90 from the FSD area
    to near the Mississippi River, decreasing to a still-favorable
    2000-4000 J/kg in central MN. Supercells with destructive hail,
    potentially significant-severe gusts, and a few tornadoes are
    possible, though so is fairly quick upscale expansion.

    2. An area of convection may develop as early as late morning to
    midday well behind the surface cold front, in higher terrain of northern/central WY, initially with a marginal severe threat. This
    convection should be supported by at least modest low/middle-level
    moisture, and strong cooling/destabilization aloft, related to the
    swath of strong large-scale DCVA/ascent immediately preceding the
    northern Rockies shortwave trough. This activity may be an
    outgrowth or extension of nonsevere thunderstorms now over extreme
    western WY near the Star and Hams Fork Valleys and adjacent ranges.
    These thunderstorms should organize into an MCS and expand/intensify
    as activity proceeds into greater moisture, instability and storm-relative/post-frontal low-level flow to the east, on the High
    Plains and near the Black Hills.

    Northeasterly to easterly flow behind the front and near the trough,
    beneath strengthening southwest flow aloft, will support 45-60 kt effective-shear magnitudes. Buoyancy will increase eastward as the
    convection -- which may already have evolve into an outflow-dominant
    arc by the time it gets into greater moisture east of the Black
    Hills -- further intensifies into the northern part of a corridor of
    1500-2000 J/kg MLCAPE and still-favorable storm-relative boundary-
    layer flow. Some of this convection may be supercellular to the
    extent it can remain at least somewhat discrete, with severe wind
    and large to very large hail possible. With time, wind will dominate
    as the main threat. This activity should encounter the outflow from
    the other complex somewhere over southeastern SD or southern MN

    Mesoscale uncertainty over the positioning and strength of the
    outflow (and thus threat of severe to its poleward side) preclude
    greater unconditional probabilities at this time. Still, a focused
    corridor of destructive winds remains a possibility across southern
    parts of SD/MN, some of it potentially affecting areas struck by the
    first complex.

    ...Northeastern CONUS...
    Widely scattered to scattered thunderstorms should develop over
    portions of eastern NY and New England, as well as parts of
    western/central PA and northwestern MD -- each moving southward to southeastward through a favorable airmass for organized convection.
    Strong to locally severe gusts are possible, along with severe hail.

    Over the New England part of the outlook, cold air aloft, overlying
    low-level moisture represented by mid/upper 50s F surface dewpoints,
    should combine with limited diurnal heating to remove MLCINH, and
    support peak/preconvective MLCAPE ion the 1000-1500 J/kg range.
    Though low-level flow will be modest, relatively straight/lengthy
    hodographs will support some hail potential. Further southwest,
    greater low-level moisture (dewpoints mostly mid/upper 60s to near
    70 F at lower elevations) but weaker mid/upper-level lapse rates
    will be present, yielding similar CAPE values but with different
    vertical distribution of buoyancy (more skewed to low levels).
    Still, enough deep/speed shear will be present to support organized
    multicells and at least transient/isolated supercells.

    ..Edwards/Bentley.. 08/26/2024

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