• Title IX Shenanigans

    From digimaus@618:618/1 to All on Tue Aug 20 18:08:41 2024
    (Another good reason to homeschool your children.)

    From: https://tinyurl.com/y9j954m6 (amac.us)

    The New Biden-Harris Rule That Could Upend the Election

    Posted on Tuesday, August 20, 2024
    by Aaron Flanigan

    On August 1, the Biden-Harris administration stealthily began enforcing a
    new series of Title IX regulations that, beginning this school year, will
    allow males who claim transgender status to enter women's bathrooms and
    locker rooms, receive women's scholarships, and live in women's dorm rooms
    in schools that receive public funds. The new rules will also compel
    students and faculty to use the "preferred pronouns" of
    transgender-identifying individuals.

    Though the corporate media has been shy to report on this development,
    parents and families will soon see first-hand just how radical the
    administration's Title IX rewrite is. The public backlash could reach a
    crescendo just as many voters make their final decisions in this
    November's elections.

    The new Biden-Harris Title IX rules specifically prohibit discrimination
    on the basis of "gender identity" instead of biological sex-obliterating
    the legal distinction between men and women. As a result,
    transgender-identifying individuals are now empowered to sue schools for
    harassment if they dare to oppose transgender ideology.

    Fortunately for American children and parents, federal courts in Kentucky
    and Louisiana have prohibited the Biden-Harris administration from
    enforcing the rules in states and schools that have sought to block them.
    And just last week, the Supreme Court affirmed those rulings, meaning that
    the administration cannot enforce the Title IX changes in states that have
    challenged them as legal proceedings continue.

    But even with the Supreme Court's ruling, the legal, political, and
    cultural battle over gender in public schools is far from over-and
    although the Biden-Harris rules are temporarily on hold in some states,
    parents and families have every reason to remain vigilant.

    As the campaign season enters its final stretch, the left has been
    understandably silent about the new rules as they seek to win support from
    moderate and Independent voters-many of whom are parents of school-age
    children-in swing states where the rules are in effect, including
    Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Arizona, and Nevada.

    As soon as students in these states start returning to the classroom in
    the coming weeks, families will be hard-pressed to ignore the new reality
    instigated by the Biden-Harris regime. Millions of parents are poised to
    soon learn that boys are sharing bathrooms and locker rooms with, taking
    scholarships from, and-in the case of college students-sharing living
    spaces with their daughters.

    In addition to creating dangerous new potential for sexual misconduct, if
    any female student is uncomfortable with and vocally opposes sharing
    private spaces with biological males, she is now guilty of discrimination
    under the new rule.

    Whether or not they realize it now, American parents are standing on the
    precipice of one of the most far-reaching, extremist, and dangerous
    transformations of the education system in American history.

    Given this alarming dynamic, Republicans have every reason to make the
    left's sinister Title IX overhaul a major campaign issue as election
    season enters its final sprint. Should they seize the opportunity, the
    conservative movement could lay the groundwork for a massive parental
    protest movement that mirrors the parental rights in education movement
    that propelled Glenn Youngkin to the Virginia Governor's Mansion in 2021
    and galvanized parents all across the nation.

    To make matters worse, the new changes will severely undermine the
    likelihood that justice will be served in cases of sexual assault. Under
    the new rules, colleges no longer must involve law enforcement when there
    is an accusation of sexual assault. Instead, the alleged offense will now
    be treated as a mere violation of student conduct rules-allowing
    university officials to act as judge, jury, and executioner.

    In addition to denying the accused their constitutional right to due
    process-effectively denying them the chance to disprove the
    allegations-this kangaroo court-style system also denies victims the
    chance to have their case handled by professionals trained to deal with
    such matters.

    Although little polling has been conducted on the rule change, every sign
    thus far indicates that it is a losing issue with voters. According to a
    poll conducted by Center Square and Noble Predictive Insights earlier this
    summer, 48 percent of American voters oppose the changes while only 42
    percent are in favor of the overhaul.

    "On the issues of bathrooms and locker rooms, the American public has
    shifted towards the right," said David Bayler, chief of research at Noble
    Predictive Insights. "People are generally wary of the most progressive
    stances on these type of issues in schools, and it's no coincidence that
    you often see Republican politicians hammering this very issue and
    Democratic politicians avoiding it and emphasizing other ones."

    But for American families getting ready to send their children back to
    school, the fight for preserving women's spaces and recognizing biological
    gender differences is far from over. Although the national GOP apparatus
    has remained largely silent on the matter, now is the perfect time to
    start emphasizing the issue in hopes of alerting swing voters as to just
    how radical, dangerous, and sweeping the Kamala Harris agenda truly is.

    In a Michigan speech shortly after the rule changes were announced in
    April, Donald Trump condemned the move as a "radical rewrite" of education
    rules that will "impose the most extreme left-wing gender ideology on
    every school in America."

    As America's future hangs in the balance between left-wing tyranny and a
    restoration of the quintessential values of family, freedom, and common
    sense, other Republicans on the ballot this fall would do well to do the

    Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

    -- Sean

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