• FG V18I2 Pg 7 of 17

    From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to All on Mon Jan 24 16:02:10 2022

    Busy For The Next While
    By Nick Andre, 1:1/0

    This is a message posted in the Z1C echo on 18 January that Nick
    asked to be posted in the 'Gazette:

    "There is a problem with the Linux VM in Montreal which hosts the
    Z1 website, all to do with a borked SSL cert store and a likewise
    borked Apache config. If you are trying to access the site, you
    may do so through www.fidonet.org, or http://fido-z1.darkrealms.ca
    ... note http, not https.

    I spent some time on this today and concluded that it will need to
    either be restored from backup or a marathon SSH all-nighter to fix
    it all.

    I start a fulltime gig next week as a database administrator, in
    addition to holding down my part-time work and parenting.

    As a result, I may not be able to respond to messages in a timely
    manner... for now.

    If you have something urgent, call, text or email me.



    FGAZ 18-02 Page 7 24 Jan 2022

    ___ MultiMail/FreeBSD v0.52

    --- Maximus/2 3.01
    * Origin: Outpost BBS (1:18/200)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Sean Dennis on Wed Jan 26 18:48:14 2022
    ================================================================= COORDINATORS CORNER =================================================================

    Busy For The Next While
    By Nick Andre, 1:1/0

    This is a message posted in the Z1C echo on 18 January that Nick
    asked to be posted in the 'Gazette:

    Checked with the man in question and he never asked you to post anything in the FidonetGazette ... straight from the horse's mouth ...

    Shall I start numbering and indexing your lies?


    --- DB4 - Jan 20 2022
    * Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
  • From Dan Clough@1:123/115 to Ward Dossche on Wed Jan 26 19:52:00 2022
    Ward Dossche wrote to Sean Dennis <=-

    This is a message posted in the Z1C echo on 18 January that Nick
    asked to be posted in the 'Gazette:

    Checked with the man in question and he never asked you to post
    anything in the FidonetGazette ... straight from the horse's
    mouth ...

    Shall I start numbering and indexing your lies?

    Will you give it a fuckin rest? What's your problem?

    How come you don't get your panties all in a bunch when your buddy
    Beeeorn (AKA Lee Lofaso) posts his bullshit in the FidoNews echo?

    ... Clones are people two.
    === MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: Palantir * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL * (1:123/115)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Dan Clough on Thu Jan 27 14:19:20 2022
    Hello Dan,

    Will you give it a fuckin rest? What's your problem?

    Listen to Sean ...

    How come you don't get your panties all in a bunch when your buddy
    Beeeorn (AKA Lee Lofaso) posts his bullshit in the FidoNews echo?

    A lot could be said about Bjorn but he's not my buddy and while there are doubts that Lee Lofaso is just an alter-ego, I don't think so ...

    Bjorn is a fierce defender of free speech, and that goes a long way. He's not a frustrate who needs Fidonet to be somebody.

    I've called him out as an asshole and called him a liar too, which he is. The result being that we have in the past explored options of getting together for having a beer ... that's all that matters.

    Fidonet? So very irrelevant in the grand sceme of things ...

    --- DB4 - Jan 26 2022
    * Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
  • From Dan Clough@1:123/115 to Ward Dossche on Thu Jan 27 10:17:00 2022
    Ward Dossche wrote to Dan Clough <=-

    Will you give it a fuckin rest? What's your problem?

    Listen to Sean ...

    I am seeing his posts here, and his efforts to revive the FG, and none
    of it bothers me in the slightest. Not sure why you *DON'T* want the
    FG to succeed, other than some personal vendetta against him.

    How come you don't get your panties all in a bunch when your buddy
    Beeeorn (AKA Lee Lofaso) posts his bullshit in the FidoNews echo?

    A lot could be said about Bjorn but he's not my buddy and while
    there are doubts that Lee Lofaso is just an alter-ego, I don't
    think so ...

    You sure defend him often enough to make it appear that you're buddies.
    I'm pretty convinced he and LL are one and the same.

    Bjorn is a fierce defender of free speech, and that goes a long
    way. He's not a frustrate who needs Fidonet to be somebody.

    I've got no issues with defending free speech, and would defend it
    myself. That's not what I see him doing though.

    I've called him out as an asshole and called him a liar too,
    which he is. The result being that we have in the past explored
    options of getting together for having a beer ... that's all that

    I don't see you nitpicking every single message he writes, and purposely trying to start/continue a squabble, the way you do with Sean. Nobody
    here wants to see that crap, why not just leave him alone and see how
    the FG progresses? Why the need to suppress/fight about that?

    Fidonet? So very irrelevant in the grand sceme of things ...

    I suppose it is. Same as any other hobby, really.

    Step back and have a beer, and relax. I'll do the same. Cheers.

    ... Strip mining prevents forest fires.
    === MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: Palantir * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL * (1:123/115)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Dan Clough on Thu Jan 27 19:16:49 2022

    I am seeing his posts here, and his efforts to revive the FG, and none
    of it bothers me in the slightest. Not sure why you *DON'T* want the
    FG to succeed, other than some personal vendetta against him.

    "Don't want to succeed?"

    Just ask Sean if it's correct he received netmailed suggestions from me to improve the lay-out of the FG, which he acknowledged and implemented ... don't you agree the second edition in echomail form looks way better than the first?

    You sure defend him often enough to make it appear that you're buddies.

    I don't know if he reads here, but I've publically called him a liar more than once in the European sysop-echo. If Bjorn read here he could confirm that.

    We're absolutely not buddies. But that doesn't make us ennemies either ...

    I don't see you nitpicking every single message he writes, and purposely trying to start/continue a squabble, the way you do with Sean. Nobody
    here wants to see that crap, why not just leave him alone and see how
    the FG progresses? Why the need to suppress/fight about that?

    Let me put it this way, what you are seeing is what Bjorn and I and some others have had to endure for over 2 decades by the one whose name we're not supposed to mention. When we objected we were told to use the "Next" key ... it was called "freedom of speech", "First Ammendment" and some other things.

    You want to deny me my 1st Ammendment rights?

    Step back and have a beer, and relax. I'll do the same. Cheers.

    I'm having good beers a lot of the time. At the time I have 2 cases (48 bottles) of WestVleteren 12degrees dark monastic ale ...


    ... and one case of Cornet (20 bottles) ...


    If you come this way, consider yourself invited.

    Sean is invited too, but he doesn't drink beer.

    Take care,

    --- DB4 - Jan 26 2022
    * Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
  • From Carol Shenkenberger@1:275/1000 to Ward Dossche on Fri Jan 28 21:03:38 2022
    Re: Re: FG V18I2 Pg 7 of 17
    By: Ward Dossche to Dan Clough on Thu Jan 27 2022 06:16 pm


    I am seeing his posts here, and his efforts to revive the FG, and none of it bothers me in the slightest. Not sure why you *DON'T* want the
    FG to succeed, other than some personal vendetta against him.

    "Don't want to succeed?"

    Just ask Sean if it's correct he received netmailed suggestions from me to improve the lay-out of the FG, which he acknowledged and implemented ... don you agree the second edition in echomail form looks way better than the firs

    You sure defend him often enough to make it appear that you're buddies.

    I don't know if he reads here, but I've publically called him a liar more th once in the European sysop-echo. If Bjorn read here he could confirm that.

    We're absolutely not buddies. But that doesn't make us ennemies either ...

    I don't see you nitpicking every single message he writes, and purposely trying to start/continue a squabble, the way you do with Sean. Nobody here wants to see that crap, why not just leave him alone and see how the FG progresses? Why the need to suppress/fight about that?

    Let me put it this way, what you are seeing is what Bjorn and I and some oth have had to endure for over 2 decades by the one whose name we're not suppos to mention. When we objected we were told to use the "Next" key ... it was called "freedom of speech", "First Ammendment" and some other things.

    You want to deny me my 1st Ammendment rights?

    Step back and have a beer, and relax. I'll do the same. Cheers.

    I'm having good beers a lot of the time. At the time I have 2 cases (48 bottles) of WestVleteren 12degrees dark monastic ale ...


    ... and one case of Cornet (20 bottles) ...


    If you come this way, consider yourself invited.

    Sean is invited too, but he doesn't drink beer.

    Take care,


    Could I drop by but ask for American dummied down beer? *sigh*, I like Miller Lite! (ok, I go hide...)
    --- SBBSecho 2.12-Win32
    * Origin: Shenk's Wandering Star (1:275/1000)