• Stock market crashes - The end is here!

    From Ex-Ex-Alcoholic#967895.06@1:138/392 to alt.recovery.aa on Thu Aug 4 22:44:53 2011
    From Newsgroup: alt.recovery.aa

    Just when I was starting to feel like a patriotic all American
    Demopublican with a 10 inch flag, 21 inch lawnmower, 26 inch tv, 48
    inch dick, 3.8 children and a beautiful chestnut mare, who is better
    than a wife, I find out that the stock market has crashed.
    FUCK THAT.... I mean, really now...... FUCK THAT !!!!!!!!!!!
    Even her husband, the stallion, said "FUCK THAT...." and HE said it a
    second time, just to make HIMSELF perfectly clear.....

    There goes all my patriotism right down the shitter. I even flushed 3
    times just to be sure it went right to the Whitehouse.
    Then the tv news man claims they are now broadcasting in high
    definition. WOW.... I mean BIG WOW.....
    Looks exactly the same as it did last night, and why do I need HD to
    view a radar map or verison commercial anyhow. Besides that, since
    the stock market crashed. there wont be any news tomorrow. Its all
    over. We will all be dead by the time this crash is over, which will
    be sometime this weekend.

    Prepare the barbeque grill for a crematorium. You'll need to cremate
    yourself. This makes me wonder if I should have a real beer before
    the end comes? This of course makes this message ON TOPIC, and from
    now on, anyone who posts off topic on ARAA will be exterminated by the
    usenet police, with Jesus Key Riced as the police chief, and head

    JESUS - THE EXTERMINATOR !!!!! (Awesome movie)!

    The terrorists are coming. I can see them now, riding in on 50,000
    horses, and carrying guns, (such as caulking guns, staple guns,
    soldering guns, glue guns, and grease guns). That scares the shit out
    of my asshole.... which reminds me. When the end arrives, should I
    have a roll of toilet paper in my hands? Does anyone know? Does God
    even know? I guess we all need someone who has direct contact with
    the Supreme Being in the sky to ask this most impotent question.....
    Do any of you qualify?

    Well, I'm off on my Harley into the unknown...... I'll return when I
    get back, IF I get back..... With God at my side acting a pilot,
    king, and chief bottle washer. So help me Quad,
    (and Mohammed)....

    The terrorists are coming.....
    The terrorists are coming.....
    The terrorists are coming.....
    The Father, The Son, and Casper acting as the scary Holy Ghost!

    Your brain will eat itself at the end. Are you prepared?

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