• NCTECH Hamfest this Saturday, Texas

    From kb5ylg@kb5ylg@yahoo.com to alt.ham-radio.marketplace on Mon Nov 5 20:51:38 2012
    From Newsgroup: alt.ham-radio.marketplace

    NCTECH 2012

    North Central Texas Emergency Communicators' Ham-festival
    (A Great Texas Hamfest since 1997!)
    November 10, 2012

    7:00 AM to NOON
    Azle Community Center
    404 W. Main Street
    Azle, TX 76020


    Contact Paul Finch via email: azlecomm@azlecomm.com

    NCTECH is hosted and sponsored by Tri-County Amateur Radio Club WC5C, and i=
    s always the second Saturday in November. The Hamfest is located in the Az=
    le Community Center, 404 W. Main Street, in historic Azle, Texas.

    Vendors are welcomed: One of the features of our hamfest is the Swap Meet = area, a veritable Ham Radio and High Tech flea market, with new and used Am= ateur Radio bargains. Indoor tables are $10 each (paid in advance, $13 at = door). Outdoor flea market space is free.

    Presentations: Presentations are made by Disaster and Emergency Communicat= ions organizations and by Ham Radio clubs and experts. Sign up early to ma=
    ke your presentation!

    Exam Sessions: A W5YI and/or ARRL Volunteer Examiner Exam Session starts a=
    t 9am, be sure to bring your photo ID, pencil and non-programmable calculat= or. Get prepared by taking a class in advance or self study! Click here f=
    or class information.

    Organization Outreach: For Amateur Radio clubs and for Disaster Relief age= ncies wishing to set up a non-sales table to display information about your=
    organization and achievements, or to conduct voluteer and membership drive=
    s, Indoor Tables are Free (limit 1 per organization)!

    Parking: Parking is FREE!

    Directions: Area maps to NCTECH <=3D click to load maps

    Talk-In: 147.160 CTCSS 110.9 as WC5C
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