• Air Force Research Laboratory Tracks Sporadic E

    From American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources@american.radio.relay.league.|.ham.radio.association.and.resources@altbbs.alt119.net to All on Fri Sep 4 17:45:17 2020

    Researchers at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) in New Mexico have discovered a new way to track and characterize sporadic E, which occurs when large structures of dense plasma form naturally in the upper atmosphere. These plasma structures, which occur at mid-latitude locations around the world, can affect radio wave propagation in both positive and negative ways. VHF enthusiasts frequ...

    http://www.arrl.org/news/view/air-force-research-laboratory-tracks-sporadic-e --- Synchronet 3.18a-Linux NewsLink 1.112
  • From American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources@american.radio.relay.league.|.ham.radio.association.and.resources@bbs.alt119.net to All on Wed Sep 9 02:06:00 2020

    Researchers at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) in New Mexico have discovered a new way to track and characterize sporadic E, which occurs when large structures of dense plasma form naturally in the upper atmosphere. These plasma structures, which occur at mid-latitude locations around the world, can affect radio wave propagation in both positive and negative ways. VHF enthusiasts frequ...

    http://www.arrl.org/news/view/air-force-research-laboratory-tracks-sporadic-e --- Synchronet 3.18a-Linux NewsLink 1.112